domingo, 20 de agosto de 2023

Interview with Noble salsa and bachata instructor in Korea

1.What is your name and how did you start dancing? 

So, my Korean name is Lee Chae Wook, but I go by the name “Noble” which is my nickname in the Salsa community. I started dancing 11 years ago with my girlfriend at that time who persuaded me to start dancing Salsa with me, and that's how I got into the scene. 

  2. What motivates you to teach dance classes? 

I think the biggest motivation is, when I see my students understand what I'm trying to teach and they learn the joy of improvement. But besides that, is when they enrich their own lives through dancing, and make it their lifetime hobby. 

  3.In korea where you teach to dance salsa and bachata? 

I am a director of a school/community in Seoul, Korea called SA Latin Salsa dance club. And our dance club collaborates with salsa bars in Hongdae area, called Bonita and Hong Turn. And usually, we teach before social starts over at the Salsa club. Otherwise, we rent a studio nearby and have our classes there and then move to the club for social dancing.

  4.What countries have you visited, what experiences have you had? 

Because of my schedule, I don't have enough time to go to countries that are too far away. I visited Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan and Singapore. I usually go over when I have the time in between my classes so I usually am not able to match my schedule with other salsa events or festivals.Instead, I go and track down a local Salsa scene and try to go and dance and meet new friends amongst the local public. And I've always had the greatest experiences and fun dancing and connecting with new people.

  5. How would you describe salsa music in Corea 

I would say as much as Salsa is diverse in its styles, music isn't that distinguishable amongst the dancers. For instance, everybody in Korea dancing dances On2 Salsa. On the dance floor, there's Salsa romantica, Boogaloo, Afro Cuban or Mambo playing all together

. 6. Favorite salsa artist? 

Personally, my favorite Salsa artist would be Marc Anthony, I love his voice, passion and style of singing, and his songs really gives me the energy I want when I dance Salsa.

  7.Which places do you dance salsa in Corea? - 

 In Korea, there are social clubs where you can dance salsa. There are two different kinds of salsa clubs in Seoul. There's the first round clubs and then there's a second round clubs. The first round clubs are usually after classes are finished. On weekends, socials usually starts at 8:00pm, and on weekdays, it starts at 9:00pm. These are the first round clubs. They usually go on until people leave, which is about between 11:00 and midnight. And that's when people who go home through public transportation. For those who don't go home, they go to an after-party and drink some more, eat some more and talk with each other and get to know each other. And then if they want to dance some more, they go to second round clubs that are open for people to go and dance till late at night.Koreans usually don't dance outside in public unless there's an event where there's more than enough people that dances so that they wouldn't feel uncomfortable for being in a spotlight. 

  8.What do you like more salsa and bachata? 

 I would say I like Salsa and Bachata equally, but in Korea, Sensual style Bachata is trending way bigger. So I actually dance Bachata much more these days. 

  9.As an instructor, what messages do you give to the new Korean dancers? 

I would say dancing is a great way to connect with people, not only other people in Korea but also anywhere with anybody all around the world and so once you start learning and enjoy dancing, you'll be able to connect with so many people and get to know so many people. And also, whenever you're traveling to any other country, it'll be a great way for you to to get to connect with locals living in that place because you will probably have the same passion for dancing and having that common interest itself will help break the ice. It helps you to get to know other people so easily and much more deeply than you ever will have. This is why I actually promote dancing to more and more Koreans. thanks you can answer by video or just text as you want.

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